
搜寻类别: 关键字搜寻: Clear
年度 论文名称
2005 张怡梅、黄宜瑜, 游客选择民宿偏好之研究-以南投清境地区为例 (口头发表), 全国学生休闲、观光、游憩学术论文研讨会, 口头报告, Jul. 09, 2005, 彰化,台湾
2005 Yi-Yu Huang, The Determinants of Taiwan’s Economic Performance: The Roles of Human Capital Endowment, Industry Specialization and Labor Force Structure, 1981-1996 (Oral presentation), The 6th Annual Conference of Taiwan's economic Empirics, 口头报告, May. 14, 2005, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2005 杨佩书、锺温凊、蔡龙铭、罗清吉、邹君玮, 应用土地适宜性分析方法于后壁湖游艇港之旅馆土地选址利用, 2006第八届永续发展管理国际研讨会, 会议论文(Others), 2005, 屏东
2005 锺温凊, 集村兴建农舍潜力与愿景, 集村兴建农舍实施现况调查与改善策略研讨会, 会议论文(Others), 2005, 台中
2004 Jen-Son Cheng, Yi-Yu Huang, Wan-Lin Chen, The Relationship of Leisure Lifestyle and Health-Related Physical Fitness of College Students (Oral presentation), 6th International society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS) International Conference, 口头报告, Nov. 10-14, 2004, Philadelphia, USA