Personal Conference

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Year Paper Title
2005 張怡梅、黃宜瑜, 遊客選擇民宿偏好之研究-以南投清境地區為例, 全國學生休閑、觀光、遊憩學術論文研討會, 口頭報告, Jul. 09, 2005, 彰化,台灣
2005 Yi-Yu Huang, The Determinants of Taiwan’s Economic Performance: The Roles of Human Capital Endowment, Industry Specialization and Labor Force Structure, 1981-1996, The 6th Annual Conference of Taiwan's economic Empirics, 口頭報告, May. 14, 2005, Kaohsiung, Taiwan
2005 楊佩書、鍾溫凊、蔡龍銘、羅清吉、鄒君瑋, 應用土地適宜性分析方法於後壁湖遊艇港之旅館土地選址利用, 2006第八屆永續發展管理國際研討會, 會議論文(Others), 2005, 屏東
2005 鍾溫凊, 集村興建農舍潛力與願景, 集村興建農舍實施現況調查與改善策略研討會, 會議論文(Others), 2005, 台中
2004 Jen-Son Cheng, Yi-Yu Huang, Wan-Lin Chen, The Relationship of Leisure Lifestyle and Health-Related Physical Fitness of College Students, 6th International society for Quality-of-Life Studies (ISQOLS) International Conference, 口頭報告, Nov. 10-14, 2004, Philadelphia, USA